A Year in Review

Monday, May 5, 2008

There and Back again!

I returned from a great time with my future church family in North Carolina. While I was there I spoke and met with everyone you could imagine, and it was quite exhausting. A great family housed me and I was able to build relationship with their son Ryan (13) who has been disconnected to the Church for a while so it was definitely a divine appointment. The conference in Atlanta was amazing and we walked away with a lot to pray about as God was speaking about the future and church direction. I also got to spend some quality time with the Pastor. You would think at the end of the day two spiritual giants like ourselves would have a bible study and pray but instead we watched the NBA Playoffs!!! Go Cavs!

We are still looking for housing and our moving date will either be the 19th or 28th of May. Please continue to pray for us!